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Messages - Jimbob


I've decided I wanted to make an adventure game, after a few years of not making anything at all, and a few years of being mildly productive in Click products and Blitz+. No doubt by the time you have read this I will already be making a nuisance of myself showing you the one-room game I'm going to kick-off with... but don't worry! It should be fairly harmless and hopefully a little interesting to look at.

I have previously made Arena Runner, Shootout, Ork Attack, Hickory and a TIGSource Compo Entry called Fake Pig 2... none of which are adventure games, so may not interest you at all. When I get my homepage up, I'm sure I'll leave the address in my signature... but for now, you'll have to chomp at the bit a little longer.

I've lurked a little while actually on these forums, and recently had an AGS binge playing lots... Spooks, Nanobots, Duty and Beyond, Linus Bruckman, Anna, Ben There, Dan That, and some others. Also a fan of Bernie's games (Reactor 9, Cedric... ) and Yahtzee's (who isn't?) so I've been feeding up on inspiration.

Eventually at some point (but not now) I want to make something of a Neuromancer-inspired adventure, something that Beneath a Steel Sky had with the LINC section but a bit more... clearly an ambitious goal and a long way away, but for now, I'll be happy with a few short adventure ideas that hopefully you'll see come to fruition soon...
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