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Messages - Dave Gilbert

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 15/02/2023 08:55:56

Look at those fresh-faced babies! So young. So innocent.

I agree the Valentine's Day/Xmas splash photos could probably be removed, but if the others are just fun easter eggs that you need to enter in a specific keyboard command to access... why not keep them?
Quote from: eri0o on Fri 09/12/2022 15:14:14Uhm, I talked a bit with CW yesterday, I think the easiest way right now would be to run the game under the VS debugger. With it we can see how AGS is allocating ram across things to see what's going on - why we get this Out of Memory, maybe something else is using the RAM.

About adding more information when things like this happen, I don't know if CW had any additional thoughts.

Pardon my ignorance but what is VS Debugger? I feel like this issue is beyond the scope of this thread so feel free to DM me. :)
Quote from: eri0o on Thu 08/12/2022 21:00:158318416=2079604*4=1922*1082*4

It looks like it's a GUI that is the size of the screen that has a nonzero transparency is the specific case reported, but I wonder how is the memory usage in general.

That's exactly when it happens (when a fullsized GUI's background graphic is changed). I'm curious what those numbers mean though. I see "1922*1082". Does that refer to the GUI's size? It's *slightly* bigger than the game's resolution of 1920x1080. Could that be causing it? I checked the GUI and it's the correct size of 1920x1080.

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 08/12/2022 23:00:30The problem with the "out of mem" error, is that when it happens nothing is safe anymore. The state of the program objects may be invalid, and any tiny extra allocation may fail in these circumstances.

But then, asking scripts about their current locations may also not be reliable and lead to a program crash, because "out of mem" could have happened while script was being created, or was allocating something during its run.

Hm. This sounds like the problem goes deeper than I realized. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this works. I feel like if it there was a memory leak, the crash would happen at random spots. But my my case it consistently happens at the same point. I'm making the assumption that I somehow caused a memory leak AT that specific spot, so knowing the location could help find the cause. But you know what they say about "assume!"
I see your point, but in most cases (or at least, my cases) the crashes happen consistently at the exact same spots, which leads me to believe that knowing the script position could help pinpoint why it happens.
Hello! So I've been getting a lot of "Out of memory" errors when testing my game lately. Like this:

They are easy enough to fix once I narrow down where in the script the error occurs, but the error message doesn't give the script and line number where the crash occured. So finding that spot can take much longer than it would for a traditional crash. Is it possible for these error messages to spit out where in the script the crash happened?


Quote from: .M.M. on Mon 12/09/2022 19:55:44Hi there,

The plugin looks really cool and useful, but fore some reason, all my dialog text got wiped out. In every dialog in the project. The options were not affected, everything else is suddenly blank. I'm using AGS build if it helps.
I have some backups, so it should all be okay, but I'm not sure whether someone reported this or had similar problems.

This happened to me a few months ago. Not fun, but it's unrelated to speech center. The bug has been fixed, so be sure to update AGS. Also, remember that backups are your friend!

We have released a small demo of our time travel game, Old Skies!

It's only available to play during the Steam Next Fest event, which ends on June 20th. So play while you can!

Some details:

- Has ~40-60 minutes of gameplay
- Full voice acting
- Available on PC, Mac, and Linux
- Has commentary and bloopers (yes I went a bit overboard)
- It's about TIME TRAVEL

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
This is great! Thanks so much.
(I did thank Duals privately but will do so publicly so I don't look like a forgetful jerk. Thanks, Duals!)

Anyway, I have another issue. I am trying to incorporate a custom speech function that uses a method, but it doesn't seem to be playing nice with SpeechCenter.

The object is a struct called BGconv, which uses a function called convSetup. It is used like this (for a BGconv struct called "bgJoeChat"):

In Speech Center, I created a custom function using these settings:

But the lines don't get picked up. Am I doing it wrong? Any ideas appreciated!


EDIT: Er, I don't know what I did but it is magically working now. So... problem solved?
CW can explain the fullscreen thing better than me, but I am referring to this:

Nearest neighbor keeps the sharp pixel look when expanding the resolution, but if you LOWER the resolution it can produce some very unpredictable results. So for a high res game like this, linear interpolation is better. It softens out the edges and looks better when shrunk down.

In these screenshots, I've shrunk the window to about half the usual size. Left side is nearest neighbor, right is linear interpolation.
Quote from: Nowhere Girl on Sun 01/05/2022 17:11:36
Looks ay-may-zing.  :shocked:
But... 1920x1080 is my screen's resolution. Does it mean that I will be unable to efficiently play the game in windowed mode? :( Or will a slightly shrunk redolution be available as well? Remember that 1920x1080 is a lot, not everyone has such big screen...

I've tested it in windowed mode and it looks fine when set to "linear interpolation". Nearest Neighbor looks terrible. :)

QuoteAnd no travel beyond the Prohibition era? That's not very far away...

Earliest era planned is the Gilden Age, which is the 1870s.

QuoteWill the 1960s, the hippie era, be available as well? If I was to travel in time, than probably there...

Sadly not in this one!
Sorry to double post, but this seems to be caused by a bug in the engine rather than the module. The work around was to add these lines of code to an eEventRestoreGame in addition to game_start.


The engine bug is being fixed so this info may be redundant soon!
Hello all! I've been using this for awhile in conjunction with Rhubarb, and it seems to be working *perfectly* aside from one big issue.

If I reload an earlier saved game, or press F9, it somehow loses the lip sync data. The voiceover plays but characters' mouths stop moving entirely. Any idea why this would happen?

Any light-shedding appreciated!

edit: To clarify, if I start a fresh game the lip sync plays perfectly with mouth movement. But if I reload a save, or press F9 to restart, then the mouths stop moving (although the VO plays).
Hello! I was wondering if it was possible to export the VO script in an XML or Excel format instead of a text file? Something like this, or some facsimile thereof:

The Speech Center plugin already lists everything in table-like format, so I assume (although you know what they say about assume) that this should be simple. Any help appreciated!

Quote from: stu on Thu 14/04/2022 11:58:34
This looks great.

Love that 'death' animation, revealing the car headlights behind her when she collapses. Very nice!

Total accident! The headlines are coded to flicker at random intervals. It's just a coincidence that they flickered at just that moment!
Quick little sizzle reel of some of the game's animations:

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