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Messages - elentgirl

I have just released my latest adveture game, which can be downloaded from the AGS database: The Sleeping Castle

The Sleeping Castle is a point-and-click adventure based upon the Sleeping Beauty legend.  You have to guide a bold Knight through the Thorny Maze surrounding The Sleeping Castle, and find a way into the castle to rescue the sleeping princess.  There are hazards to avoid and challenges to overcome.


A User Guide with hints and solutions can be downloaded from my website here!
Thank you for that hint, it did the trick.  Perhaps an error message could be added to the form, as there are for other fields (the game size, for example) when the wrong format is entered.  It could save a lot of time and frustration.

Many thanks,

I reported this yesterday under the Games Page Entry Reporting, which may not have been the best place.  Sorry.

I have tried to add my new hame to the AGS database. Yesterday I twice completed the form and clicked 'ADD GAME', and both times the form disappeared and nothing more happened.  I have tried searching for my new game but it is not found. I just tried again today with the same negative result.

What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks,

I have tried to add my new hame to the AGS database.  I have twice completed the form and clicked 'ADD GAME', and both times the form disappeared and nothing more happened.  I have tried searching for my new game but it is not found.  What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks,
I am looking for a couple of testers for my latest free game, The Sleeping Castle, based on the Sleeping Beauty fariytale.

This is a point and click adventure in which you have to assist a knight to find a way through the thorny maze and into the castle to defeat the enchantment of the evil sorceress and rescue the sleeping princess.
If you have a little time to test play my game, please send me a PM.
Thank you.
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