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Topics - SSH

After various people contributed to the thread on pixel-perfect collision detection, I modularised it.

Download PPCollision module here (Requires AGS v2.71 or later!)
Full Documentation here

Simple interface, so I'll just copy the function names here:
// Functions:
//  The module allows you to use pixel-perfect collision detection
//  instead of the default rectangle-based collisions of AGS
//  PPColliding.CWithC(Character *a, Character *b);
//  PPColliding.CWithO(Character *a, Object *b);
//  PPColliding.OWithC(Object *a, Character *b);
//  PPColliding.OWithO(Object *a, Object *b);
//    Check if a and b are colliding, for different types
//  PPColliding.CWithAnything(Character *a);
//  PPColliding.OWithAnything(Object *a);
//    Check if a is colliding with any object or character. Returns
//    the value of GetLocationType for the first collision found, but there
//    may be more than one collision.

With version 1.02, now added extender functions (in AGS 3.0 and up) so that you can use also:

Code: ags


For those of us who find it helpful to dump everything in a file sometimes and edit it outside AGS, would anyone else appreciate an emacs mode for AGS editing? Emacs is an editor, for the ignorant amongst you. :P ANy suggestions for features?

On a related note, does CJ or anyone else have a text file list of all Script  Keywords and Built-in functions that I can have? Maybe CJ could include this with all main releases as an extra download? This would let me do syntax highlighting more easily.

Finally, the function name completion is great in the built-in editor, I just wish it wouldn't do it when editing dialogs, too. Grrr. :P
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